Content management system
We are a very fortunate bunch here at Webnetism, that we have a team who have worked with a multitude of CMS’s and have brought all their expertise together to create our bespoke CMS – CMS:42, named after the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’s answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. And this is just it, our CMS combines all the amazing features that all other CMS’s have without all the gimmicks or annoyances, so essentially it is the answer to everything CMS related.
CMS:42 was designed and built from the ground up and allows the user to control and manage the content of a website efficiently. It’s an easy tool to use and grants access to the pages of a website to delete images, edit text and post material such as blogs or news articles. Our CMS has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing our clients to manage every aspect of their website – with little input from us, unless you want it!
With our custom-made CMS, website updates are rarely needed as only the critical apps are included within the program. New features can be added as we have a bank of modules you can add as your business evolves and we can even build custom made features that we have not even thought of.

CMS pages
The pages section helps the user to create and organise content on the
website. Pages are one of the fundamental features of any CMS and the
page control in CMS:42 is really rich in features, but remains simple to

Case studies
The case studies or portfolio database within our CMS allows users to
feature work on any page of the website. Simply create all the portfolio
items and then feature them where you want with a click of the mouse.

News & blogs
The news and blogs module is a great way to keep your website looking
fresh and up to date. There’s nothing more frustrating for anyone when
you can tell a website hasn’t been touched since 1999. Another plus
point of this module is that it helps with SEO too.

Team profiles
Having a great team is a business’ greatest asset, so why not make a website more personable by showing these amazing people off. Users can create a profile for each staff member giving some personality to the website and the brand with everyone’s quirky photos and bios, then why not feature these people on specific pages within the website?

Featured items
The featured items section of our CMS allows the user to assign priority
to easily feature content on pages throughout the website such as
latest news articles on the about us page or a specific product on an
information page. This makes our CMS super flexible and easy to manage
when a page needs a little content refresh.

Content SEO
Our CMS has been built with a simple SEO tool that will help a website
climb up the ladder in search engines. A good page position in the
natural search listing is only possible by maintaining a close eye on
the changes made by the search engines and writing rich, quality content
that engages readers.

Users & groups security
Securing access to any CMS is vital; not only does the CMS show off your
brand to a global marketplace but it can also contain a great deal of
secure data. Our permissions system gives users security and peace of
mind that the right people with access to the CMS are only accessing
what they need to.

If you are a business who has a need for multiple language or regional
websites, then CMS:42 is the perfect tool. Our CMS allows control
multiple websites, each with their own pages from one login. The
Multi-site CMS system lets you share assets between multiple sites while
allowing you to write unique content for each site and page.
Want to talk to us about updating your existing CMS?
Whether you want to upgrade your existing CMS or add a new solution to your existing website, CMS:42 can help you become more self-sufficient.