Webnetism and GTK have a long history of working together on their online presence. We were approached to replace the GTK website, which we originally built in 2015.
The website served GTK well for several years generating a great deal of new business leads. GTK where keen to stay ahead of their competitors online and wanted the website to continue to stand-out amongst their peers, whilst also reflecting GTK’s strong brand and product range.
After an early preview of Webnetism’s updated CMS:42 (2022) GTK felt they would really benefit from the new features developed within the latest version. Highlights for them included the page builder and form builder which allows their editors more flexibility in their content creation.
The new website went through the wireframing and concept design phase, where we liaised to ensure the GTK teams’ vision could be realised. In the development stage we also worked closely with the GTK team to create custom functionality within the product catalogue, 'calls to action' and featured items. All while maintaining the strong branding throughout the whole project.
The latest version of the GTK website has been built from the ground up with a newer architecture using the latest Microsoft and Google technologies to provide enhanced speed, security, and usability.
The new website provides a blank canvas for a cleaner more modern codebase, building in important SEO value through Rich Snippets, OGP etc. Newer technologies have improved the speed of the website as well as reducing the time/cost of implementing new features and changes in the future.

Webnetism and GTK have a long history of working together on their online presence. We were approached to replace the GTK website, which we originally built in 2015.
The website served GTK well for several years generating a great deal of new business leads. GTK where keen to stay ahead of their competitors online and wanted the website to continue to stand-out amongst their peers, whilst also reflecting GTK’s strong brand and product range.
After an early preview of Webnetism’s updated CMS:42 (2022) GTK felt they would really benefit from the new features developed within the latest version. Highlights for them included the page builder and form builder which allows their editors more flexibility in their content creation.
The new website went through the wireframing and concept design phase, where we liaised to ensure the GTK teams’ vision could be realised. In the development stage we also worked closely with the GTK team to create custom functionality within the product catalogue, 'calls to action' and featured items. All while maintaining the strong branding throughout the whole project.
The latest version of the GTK website has been built from the ground up with a newer architecture using the latest Microsoft and Google technologies to provide enhanced speed, security, and usability.
The new website provides a blank canvas for a cleaner more modern codebase, building in important SEO value through Rich Snippets, OGP etc. Newer technologies have improved the speed of the website as well as reducing the time/cost of implementing new features and changes in the future.
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