Why hashtags are important for your business
But first, what is a hashtag?
Using hashtags can be described as a way of promoting your social media posts, as each hashtag has their own collection of content. The goal with hashtags is to make it easier to be found on social media for a specific topic or content. For instance, this is a hashtag:
#webdeveloper #SEO #PPC (Notice how there are no spaces between the words).
Why use hashtags
- Non followers will be able to discover your content based on your particular hashtag and so you can easily promote to a potential audience.
- It’s a good way to promote brand awareness. Many brands create their own specific hashtag, encouraging their audience to use it and tag theirs. For instance when the ALS bucket challenge went viral, the hashtag #ALSIceBucketChallenge was used all over the world.
Hashtags will become trendy when a lot of users are using it in their messages. This is a great way for businesses to communicate with their target audience. This is also a promotional way of market products and services for businesses.
Hashtags were first used by Twitter but are now used by most social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
The engagement of social media posts receives twice the engagement with hashtags compared to not having hashtags. It is recommended to have at least two hashtags in your post, to boost your social media content.
So time to get started with hashtags if you haven't already!