Emails Galore
What’s more exciting than bringing a new website into the world? You’ve spent hours upon hours on it, trying to craft something your target audience will love, and you’re right to be beaming with pride. I’m sure you’re dying to get the word out! Well, according to the Direct Marketing Association, 66% of consumers have made a purchase as a result of an email. That’s way more than post or social media! So how about you send out an email to your subscribers to announce its birth!
Facebook, Twitter and how about Tindr?
Hundreds of new websites are constantly popping up and appearing online. Unfortunately, most will never attain search engine notoriety, never achieving the recognition they deserve. How about you take a note out of an author’s book, and spend as much time promoting your content, as forging it. Now think… Where do you spend most of your spare time? About 135 mins per day, to be exact? SOCIAL MEDIAAAAAAAAA. So, get on out there and create some accounts to boost your status!

Swagalicious pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns
If you want uniqueness, PPC is right down your lane. If you have a bit of leeway on your budget, or a few pennies saved up in the ‘ol piggy bank, these can generate a steady flow of profitable traffic! The beauty of PPC, is that targeting whoever, wherever and however, becomes an incredibly easy task. Content delivery, to the correct people, couldn’t be simpler through the medium of PPC; straightforwardly bidding for a spot in a search engine’s sponsored links section.
Freshest content on the block!
Acquiring, and retaining clients is an, if not most, important aspect of a traffic-heavy website. Don’t forget to cater to everyone’s changing habits and trends, as what was selling yesterday might not sell as well today. Whether it’s a product or service, you need to mould it to what’s current today, for an ever-growing client base. No need to be reckless or audacious, regularly blogging is a pro-active and simplistic approach! Don’t knock it till you try it!

The objective is simple; don’t let your site sink to its death. Be the Black Pearl, not the Titanic...
Simply say to everything old and outdated:
I will find you…
And I will update you…