Hi I'm Ahmad,
Junior Support Engineer
As a Junior Support Engineer I deal with first and second line support issues as well as various infrastructure projects in our data centre. I joined Webnetism in 2018 as an apprentice.
Role in Webnetism
I primarily deal with first line support. So any IT issues you might face it is likely you'll speak with me. I also routinly monitor our various hosted infrastucture to ensure your website/app remains online and your severs healthy!
Specialty and experience
I joined Webnetism as an Apprentice and completed a level 4 networking qualification through QA. Prior to joining Webnetism I obtained a Level 3 qualificaiton for Systems Support and Networking at College. I also have a Testout PCpro qualification.
What I like to get up to in my spare time
In my spare time I just like to chill, have a cup of tea and read a book. Preferably fantasy. I enjoy reading epic fantasy like the classic lord of the rings, David Gemmell's Drenai and Raymond E Feist Empire trilogy. I also enjoy reading comics and like to do some training.
Ready to talk?
Impressed by what you have seen, want to know more? Perhaps you would like to meet in person... coffee is on us!
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